Victor Tudtud – Region XI

“TB is curable, no one must be left to suffer and die with the disease.” Early years of 2000, I was a successful man in my chosen career in the Philippines and abroad (as an OFW). I was also successful when I ventured into having my own business as entrepreneur. With noted accomplishment, I never thought that the day will come where my health deteriorates and be diagnosed with Tuberculosis. I rejected the idea of having the disease and went into self stigma. As a lay minister and being active in community works through my business endeavour, I made sure that known vices which could cause me to having a lung problem is a big “NO”. But still, my health condition bugged down due to TB infection. On October 2014, I was diagnosed to have acquired Multi-drug Resistance Tuberculosis which requires me to undergo 18 months of rigorous treatment. Adherence to meds is a must in spite of the notable adverse drug reactions (ADR’s). In fact, I once thought that I’d better be dead than continued to suffer while taking the medicines. I also had a thought of quitting considering that aside from the medicines, I also had injection given daily for 72 days.
Thanks to my support group especially my family, friends and church community who really encouraged me to finish the regimen and had myself treated. Sincere thanks also to my SPMC-PMDT Treatment and medical staff for being patient with my whining and complaints.
During my treatment, I met new friends in the person/s of my co-PWTB (person with tuberculosis) who are also advocates from various groups and organizations in different parts of the country, and that includes TBPeople Philippines. It was then that I realized having the TB disease was a “blessing in disguise”. Having TB is my way of educating myself thru experience that TB is real and can afflict any person from any social status. I have learned that should there be any chance to share my own personal experience to others, may it be a PWTB or not, is a significant portion I could give.
Through this medium, I could strongly say that TB is CURABLE and there must be NO ONE left to suffer and die with the disease.
Background of Victor Tudtud, TB Survivor of Davao City
Victor on ‘What is DRTB?’
Victor on ‘What is ITR?’
Victor on ‘What is BPaL Regimen?’