Mimi Ortillana – NCR

I am Mirasol Ortillana, Mimi for short. I am 34 years old and from Caloocan City. proud mother of two daughters. My eldest daughter is 14 years old and my youngest is 8 years old.

I have had a very active lifestyle ever since I was a kid. During my elementary days I played chess,volleyball and track and field participating in inter school games. In my highschool days I played and was one of the top track and field athletes winning medals and awards whenever I represented my school. My mother left us when I was in first year high school. Being the eldest of three siblings it was difficult and at a young age I assumed the role of my mother taking care of my two younger brothers. We don’t have to send me to college but I do want to study so I applied  for a varsity scholarship. And thankfully I got a scholarship from adamson university. I Am a varsity player of women’s basketball. Even though I got the scholarship my father can’t provide for my needs so sadly I had no choice but to drop. I was so sad and depressed but life must go on. I took odd jobs and one of my friends invited me to audition for their group. I never thought I was good at dancing and that has been my bread and butter. However due to this pandemic i’ve lost my job and acquired TB.

I started medication in March 2021 and now I am TB free. It was never easy yet I’ve met many new friends and learned so much. 

As an advocate I want to help other people to realize the truth about TB. I want to learn more so I can help more people understand the things that a PWTB and a survivor is going through.

Background of Mimi Ortillana, TB Survivor of Caloocan City

More videos of Mimi:

Mimi on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 1

Mimi on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 2

Mimi on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 3

Mimi on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 4

Mimi on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 5

Mimi on ‘What is ITR?’