Ruzzeth Joy Muñoz – Region III

I’m Ruzzeth Joy Muñoz, 27 yrs old and a DSTB survivor, from Valenzuela City. I was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis or PTB last February 2021. The type of TB bacteria that infected my lungs was DSTB or drug-sensitive tuberculosis. TB affected my body. I had sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. My family was affected too by witnessing what I went through because of the disease. I also stopped being an online seller for I had to focus on my health first. My mind was bothered by a lot of questions about TB disease. I searched for any information about TB on facebook, until I fortunately found TBPeople Philippines Organization facebook page which equipped me with answers to my questions. TBPeople Philippines became one of my support systems on my TB journey. I realized that my TB disease should be cured to prolong my life and to avoid infecting others. To those who are infected with this disease, do not be afraid for this is curable. Take the TB medicines and follow the right treatment so we can normally live again and to be able to enjoy what life can still offer. I feel so grateful to those who are extending their help, financially or not, to persons affected with tuberculosis like me. Their donations helped me and my family to go through the treatment especially in this time of pandemic. Life is hard, but many people open their hearts to help those in need.
Background of Ruzzeth Joy Muñoz, TB Survivor of Valenzuela
More videos of Ruzzeth:
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 1
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 2
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 3
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 4
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 5
Ruzzeth on ‘What is DRTB?’
Ruzzeth on What is ITR?