Niño Magpusao – NCR

I’m Niño Magpusao, 31 years old, and an MDRTB Survivor from Manila. I am currently working as TB Advocate under #TBFreePH campaign. I graduated in high school last 2007 and helped my grandparents with our ‘tsangge’ business in Manila. I can say that I’m not that fit, but I have strong endurance. It was 2008 when I felt symptoms of TB and was then diagnosed with it. I initially underwent 6 months of TB treatment, but it failed because of improper or incorrect way of taking the TB medicines. Due to the failed treatment, I got checked again and was diagnosed with Multi Drug Resistant TB. So, I had my TB treatment again, and this time was for MDRTB and it took 2 years to complete it, from 2009 up to 2011. This treatment was much complicated than the first one because of the side effects. When I finished my treatment last 2011, my TB was totally cured and I was able to normally live my life again. I pursued to study in college but I wasn’t able to finish it due to some reasons. Then, I just decided to help myself and find a job for a living. It was not easy, but I pushed hard for it. I met TBPeople Philippines wayback 2014 but became totally involved in the organization last 2020. I helped the organization in spreading awareness about TB disease including its proper treatment, and I was able to share my story to others so I could inspire people. Now, I am happy to say that I found my purpose in the advocacy that I have, and I am very thankful to my organization for it.
Background of Niño Magpusao, TB Survivor of Quezon City
Niño on ‘What is ITR?’