Danica Duran – Region IV

I am Danica Duran,35 years old, a DRTB Survivor, and a full-time mom from Lipa City, Batangas. I started to experience the symptoms of tuberculosis last 2003. I was 16 years old that time, and I didn’t know it was TB. I initially consulted to a private doctor, and it was found out that there’s a spot on my lung. I took different kinds of medicines as prescribed by the doctor, but I was not aware what those medicines were for. I went to another doctor for a second opinion and was diagnosed with TB. I then took different kinds of medicines as prescribed by the second doctor. A year passed and nothing had changed. I continued to lose weight, and I stopped going to school for I always felt ill. Wayback 2006, I consulted a pulmonogist and there he suspected me having multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). I travelled to Manila to confirm if it really was MDRTB. While waiting for the result, I coughed up a lot of blood and was immediately confined in a hospital. During that time, I felt sorry for my parents because I saw how and what they sacrificed in order for me to be treated. And yes, the result confirmed that I had MDRTB on my lungs. I started my MDRTB treatment in Makati last December 2006 and finished on 2008. I had a hard-time during my treatment. I had to stay away from my family for a while, and I had to endure taking several tablets a day. There was even a time where I doubted God’s love for me and started to think about putting an end to my life. But because I felt the love and support of my family, I chose to strive in finishing my treatment. My TB journey truly affected me and my family. I stopped going to school. We were in debts and our source of livelihood went bankrupt. But eventhough we experienced all these hardships, we’re still thankful because my TB was cured and I was able to get a chance to live again. I later found my partner in life and lived happily with our two kids. But after a few years, i coughed up blood again and was confined in a hospital. This time, I was diagnosed with “Bronchiectasis,Aspergilloma” and I needed to be operated. That was the time I met Ms.Louie Zepeda Teng, the founder and the president of TBPeople Philippines Organization, who helped me where to go for my operation. At that point, she was still on the process of establishing her organization. I admired her that despite of her disability, she’s brave and passionate of her goal in helping a lot of people, and I’m fortunate to be one of them. My operation went successful and I completely recuperated. TB disease is curable. Since I became a TB survivor, I realized how important it is to take good care of our health. I learned a lot about TB when I had it, and it opened a path for me to help others who are also affected by the disease. I know how hard the journey is, that’s why I keep on sharing my story to inspire them in completing the treatment. To those who are currently dealing with TB, never give up. Continue the fight against the disease ‘cause you’ll soon be cured with proper treatment. Never think of stopping the treatment without doctor’s approval to avoid making your condition worst. “Laban lang!”
Background of Danica Duran, TB Survivor of Batangas
More videos of Danica:
Danica on ‘What is DSTB?’
Danica on ‘What is DRTB?’
Danica on ‘What is ITR?’
Danica on ‘What is BPaL Regimen?’