Assessment of BPaL Treatment Regimen Implementation in Cebu City

From April 24th to 26th, 2024, an onsite evaluation took place at Eversley Childs Sanitarium and General Hospital, with the aim of meticulously assessing the efficacy and safety of the Bedaquiline-Pretomanid-Linezolid (BPaL) Treatment Regimen within the Philippines. Dr. Maria Imelda Quelapio guided the monitoring team, which comprised representatives from esteemed organizations including TB Alliance, KNCV TB Foundation, Tropical Disease Foundation, TB People Philippines, and Jose B. Lingad Memorial Gen. Hospital.

The evaluation focused on examining the implementation of the BPaLM/BPaL regimen at Eversley Childs Sanitarium and General Hospital. Additionally, visits were made to neighboring Integrated Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (IDOTs) facilities such as Umapad Health Center and Casuntingan Health Center, as well as the Cebu TB Reference Lab. A courtesy call was extended to Dr. Pythagoras M. Zerna, the Medical Center Chief I of Eversley Childs Sanitarium and General Hospital.

Insightful discussions with healthcare professionals and patients provided invaluable perspectives on the management of Drug-Resistant TB (DRTB). The dedication and proficiency demonstrated by the staff at Eversley Childs Sanitarium and General Hospital, alongside the commitment of healthcare professionals at the Cebu TB Reference Lab and IDOTs facilities, underscored a collective pursuit of enhancing TB care and treatment outcomes.
Following the visits, a comprehensive exit feedback session was conducted to solicit insights and suggestions from the staff. These inputs, along with the amassed data during the evaluation, will be synthesized into a comprehensive report. The dissemination of this report to pertinent offices and facilities will serve as a guiding beacon for further enhancements to the TB Program.
The successful execution of the onsite evaluation stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication of all stakeholders in the fight against TB in the Philippines. The insights gathered from this evaluation are poised to significantly bolster the success of the BPaL Treatment Regimen, thereby fostering enhanced TB management and patient care on a national scale.