Agnes Ferrer – Region I

I am Agnes Ferrer, 38 years old, from Barangay Malioer Bayambang Pangasinan.
I’m a married woman with five sons, and the four elders are currently studying. I am a high school graduate. I make a living by farming and taking care of livestock such as cows, chickens, goats, and ducks. This is our only source of income where we get for our daily expenses. As of this writing, our products are rice crops which will only last until October.
When I had a cough for about 2 weeks, I started to drink herbal medicines. But after a month, my cough still persisted which made me decide to consult with a private doctor. Then, I was diagnosed with mild pneumonia. I took antibiotics for 7 days as prescribed by the doctor. I was also told to go back after the 7 days treatment for a follow-up. I wasn’t able to go back because we had a financial crisis. Unfortunately, my cough didn’t go away and I just let my condition be the way it was. I didn’t think of it as tuberculosis because I thought that one must cough up blood to be considered with TB. Since I never noticed blood from my cough, I just ignored it for a year. It was around December 2020 when I felt my body weakened as time passed by and I was advised to have chest-xray. By that, I was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis or PTB and was recommended to go to the local Public Health Center. I started my treatment on January 5, 2021 and successfully finished it in 6 months. It wasn’t easy for me to overcome everything that I went through. I discovered TBPeople Philippines through Facebook and because of their guidance and encouragement, it became easier for me to overcome this disease.
I am very thankful to TBPeople Philippines for providing me the best and the correct information about TB.
Background of Agnes Ferrer, TB Survivor of Pangasinan
More videos of Agnes:
Agnes on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 1
Agnes on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 2
Agnes on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 3
Agnes on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 4
Agnes on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 5
Agnes on ‘What is DRTB?’
Agnes on ‘What is ITR?’
Agnes on ‘What is BPaL Regimen?’