RJ Ablen Soriao – Region V

I am Rene Joseph A. Soriao from Sorsogon City, Bicol , a registered nurse and currently working as HRH NDP Nurse II at Department of Health.
I first learned about the Tuberculosis Disease when I was in college, but I was not able to encounter nor took care of a person with TB. When I graduated in college, I volunteered in a private hospital and was later hired as a Progmatic Management for Multi-drug resistant TB Support Staff where I handle and take good care of persons with MDRTB. I worked under SMMGHHSC PPMD/PMDT headed by Dra. Nancy Labarete. I was trained for a month in Manila by PBSP/DOHNTP/Lung Center of the Philippines. I was also trained as a Genexpert Technician Xpert MTB Rif Test training in RITM and rendered my duty in Culture lab in SMMGHHSC PMDT for 2 years. In order to pursue my goal as a TB advocate, I left the PMDT Culture Lab in SMMGHHSC and applied as a Clinic Nurse for PMDT in PBSP. I was then assigned in Josefina Belmonte Duran Albay Provincial Hospital in Ligao City, Albay. After a year, I left the PMDT Family and applied as HRH NDP in Department of Health. I have been exposed to different PWTB in my line of work. I have witnessed their TB journey. I have learned that they may have different experiences during the treatment period, but they only have one thing in common, that is to survive and to be able to normally live again.
I have been aiming to do something as TB advocate. Luckily, one of my co-workers who is on TB treatment introduced me to TBPeople Philippines Organization, an organization where she belongs to its online peer support groupchat. I was amazed on the great works done by the organization, like educating people about TB disease, in order to help eradicate this disease in the country. I was then introduced to Ms. Louie Zepeda-Teng, the founder amd president of the TBPeople Philippines Organization. By becoming a member of this organization, it helps me to do more of being a TB advocate. I get the chance to educate more people about the disease, and guide/ advice more persons with TB through engaging different platforms being utilized by the organization. Being a part of TBPeople Philippines is truly an honor.
TB disease is not something that one should be afraid of. Be a support system to those who are affected by it through giving them love and respect. to those who are affected by it. By that, we are helping them to finish their treatment so they can normally live again and enjoy life at its best, just like the millions TB survivors.
Background of RJ Ablen Soriao, Representative of Bicol
More videos of RJ:
RJ on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 1
RJ on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 2
RJ on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 3
RJ on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 4
RJ on ‘What is DSTB?’ Part 5
RJ on ‘What is DRTB?’
RJ on ‘What is ITR?’
RJ on ‘What is BPaL Regimen?’